
Obituaries » Raymond Randolph Roberts Jr.

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Raymond Randolph Roberts Jr.

September 14, 1950 - July 20, 2023

In honoring our dad’s wishes, we are going to have a private family get together to honor his memory. He continues to be humble in death as he was in life. ” Rolling Stone over and out! “

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Raymond (Randy) Randolph Roberts Jr. passed away peacefully while surrounded by family on Thursday, July 20, 2023. He leaves behind wife of twelve years and best friend, Gail, daughter Crystal Bledsoe and husband John, son Randy Roberts and wife Kim, sister Connie Hipps and husband Doug, and brother Tommy Roberts. His beloved grandchildren Morgan, Ashlynn, Luke, Lane, Tyler, Andrew, Chris, Randy, Olivia, and Blaire. Three great grandchildren Ally, Delilah, and Nora. He is preceded in death by parents Raymond and June Roberts, sisters Linda and Mona Roberts, precious son Rusty Roberts, and granddaughter Isabella Bledsoe. Our dad was a hard working and proud truck driver that retired from Fuller Transfer Service after thirty plus years of service. He often did without to make sure we were provided for, and we never knew that until we were grown. He was a wonderful father and papaw. He leaves a legacy of love, loyalty, and the importance of a good work ethic that lives on through the lives of his children and grandchildren. We will always remember him when we watch a good western or Andy Griffith. His CB handle was Rolling Stone and is known in the trucking community by that name. He was an old school truck driver, and in his final years he would often reminisce about his days driving and would long to be behind the wheel again. Dad’s greatest gift was accepting Jesus as his Savior, and the evidence of his salvation was the changes made in his life. We have comfort in knowing that he is in Heaven. Dad was a gentle giant with a kind heart. He loved hard and will be missed greatly. Our family would like to acknowledge his two favorite nurses at Asbury Place, Cindy and Angee. Even on the worst days, they extended grace and love to our dad. They are examples of what a nurse should be and we are forever grateful to them.