
Obituaries » Edward Stephen Vingoe Sr.

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Edward Stephen Vingoe Sr.

May 23, 1957 - July 11, 2021

Service Date July 15, 2021

A Service of Remembrance will be held from 4:00pm to 6:00pm, Thursday July 15, 2021, at Memorial Funeral Home, 1102 Big Springs Road, Maryville, TN, 37801, with a Memorial Service to be held at a future date in New York. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the family to help with expenses. Donations can also be made to Memorial Funeral Home: PO Box 4608, Maryville, TN 37802, or by phone by calling (865) 233-5573.

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Our hearts are broken. We never expected to be so blessed with such a caring person, looking out for the little one (Peyton) looking out for my little Auntie, looking out for me. Our hearts will always carry your footprints. We will miss you so very much.

Posted by Diana Walker on July 15, 2021

Uncle Eddie was always that goofy loveable guy that everyone just had a great time with. Spent many many years looking up to the man that I was so proud to call Uncle. Got my love of football and the 49ers from him and I'll always cherish that. Fly high Uncle Ed, until we meet again. Love you!

Posted by Dean Scaglione on July 15, 2021

My brother-n-law Ed of 40 plus years you will be missed gone way too soon. I will miss your help your grilling your bloody Mary’s and all the great family get together and all the laughter and crazy things you did in every situation You were the best Dad to Ed and Cyndle. I remember the time you were watching little Ed and poured a container of hot chocolate powder on the living room rug just so he could play with his matchbox cars because it was raining out the best husband he would tease the Dickins out of Phyllis the best grandfather who always made things fun for EJ and the best friend to all his extended family and friends. Now your with Dad Freddy and Brenda My Dad and others keep up the laughter and the fun and games Love ya RIp

Posted by Darlene Brewer on July 15, 2021

Impossible to imagine a world without Eddie Vingoe! I have known Eddie since he was a young handsome smartaleck of 14 and our friendship continued until now! One thing has always been constant.....still a smartaleck! Seriously a gental, complex man and a hard worker who loved his family, his work and gardening. A friend for life with a wonderful sense of humor. You will be missed. RIP Eddie!

Posted by Maria Scaglione on July 15, 2021

I only met you two times and it only took the first meeting to know you were an awesome family man. Our first meeting you were shoveling Ed's sidewalk and scraping ice to ensure the guests had a trouble free walk from their cars to the house. I remember both visits as full of joy and camaraderie. You will be missed, my heart goes out to your family and friends. Rest in Peace.

Posted by Dennis on July 15, 2021

My heart is so broken.. Ed was always the funny silly and easy go lucky guy. Always the life of the Vingoe gatherings. You were so loved by everyone. My heart is heavy for you Phyllis, Eddie, & Cyndle.. Also my prayers go out to ..Mom Bill,Rich,Chic,Pruda,Carl Edi,& Lee..

Posted by Linda Vingoe on July 15, 2021

Nothing bothered you. Can't stop the rain...but it will stop. Can't work outside, s#@t...guess I gotta work inside. You knew your limits, you had a humor and humbleness no one else had.

Posted by Richard S Vingoe on July 15, 2021

Ed you were an awesome guy to know. So happy I got to spend the little time we spent together over the years thanks for the laughter and moonshine. Rest in peace. Will miss you.

Posted by JoAnn Degaglia on July 13, 2021